Monday, December 3, 2012

The So-Called Religion Which Has Stained Our Existence!

India is considered to be a land of 33 crore Gods and Goddesses! We all worship the form that we believe in. But religion, now a days, has turned out to be a sort of business. People are more indulged into religious affairs, when there are thousands of children who don't have food to eat or cloths to wear! People spend millions of rupees behind the construction of temple, and then for its maintenance! It's utterly useless! What I believe in is that worshipping is an inner job and we do not need to go to distant places to worship! Moreover it is the feelings that we have and it is the work that we do, rather to just banging our heads in the temples, mosques, gurudwaras etc. Our society is not so powerful just because of our religious beliefs. They are so stubborn! The cast system which was set up in the Vedic era, still affects our mind! Discrimination based on the grounds of religion is widespread! All the riots and terrorism which break out is all due to the religion.

After the independence of India, when Pakistan seceded or to put in, when India and Pakistan were formed, there were a lot many problems arising between the Hindus and Muslims! Lakhs of people were killed just because either they were Hindus or were Muslims! There were many riots happening at that time. It was also believed that Pakistan was for Muslims and India was for Hindus! This period could be considered as the 'Reign of Terror' in the Indian History! The chief reason behind all that blood shed was religion. Even today so far almost 80% of the Indian and Pakistani population consider each other enemies! One reason for the enmity, which is prevalent even today is the again the Religion, the difference of Hindus and Muslims. We all often fail to look from a broader perspective and just tend to stick in the dirty web of religious disharmony! If we all consider each other Human Beings and sink all our personal grudges than we would realize the true power of the nations! We constantly fight against each other and day by day our rivalry is becoming stronger and stronger. We are becoming more hostile and boisterous towards each other! It must not be forgotten that India and Pakistan once upon a time were a part of the same nation; it is today that Pakistan has become a separate nation. The current issue is that 'should, Kashmir go into Pakistan or should it stay with India?' The probable answer to this question from my point of view is that Pakistan and India shouldn't be considered as different nations and should work collaboratively to accomplish the tasks. This unity will help both the countries to save a huge amount of money that they spend on fighting with each other and moreover the when both the countries unite their prosperity would be worth seeing! As such if we rationally look at the situation today, there seems to be no problem with India and Pakistan, all the problems that we see are all illusive and can be dissolved if we just open our eyes and try to think differently!

Actually all the religions teach a single thing - 'Love' but it is we who perceive it in different ways! There cannot be any religion in the world which would teach 'Inhumane customs'. In an Indian village, during Navratri, there is a huge lamp that stays lit through the 9 days! The Ghee that is used is pure, original ghee! Now, such things are so stupid! People don't get pure ghee to eat while they burn it off to ashes there!! We are the evils of our society! Lot many temple might simply be galloping all that finance that they get as charity! People are ready to give a thousand rupees when someone says, "Today is Janmashtmi, we are arranging for a grand festival tonight. You are a devotee of God, please lend us some money" but they would not have a penny to give to poor children who do not have books to study! Such is our mentality! We perform rituals and religious rites (Like the Havans, and Yagnas and what not!) in each and every small thing and spend thousands of rupees, or to put in give thousands to the ones which have lakhs! What I feel is that it is a mere waste of money and time - the very precious things, which do not return once gone! I must say we are the evils!

The truth that lies in our sacred texts is something very different from what we consider to be! It is said that we must 'Perform our duties regardless of the result we may receive. We must serve the humanity as right fit.' What I personally believe in is that we should never waste time in 'specially' worshipping the Lord. It is our work, which is our worship and thus we should always keep our selves busy and productive. That's the way we can progress. Currently the amount of money and time that is spent behind worship is the money and time from which we can make hundreds of remarkable and productive changes. But unfortunately we want to waste it like anything, in spite of knowing that it has troubled us so much and now it's the time to be 'Practical'!

Have you ever heard that your God complained against you if in the morning you didn't pray to him or you did not perform a Yagna or something of that sort? Than why the hell do you need to do all that? It is an illusion created by all of us and we are the people who need to break through it! I'm saying that we all must become atheists, but at least we must learn to prioritize the real world and the religion! So just to conclude we all are spending millions and billions of rupees, across the country, through centuries. Now it's time to stop all this nonsense! I must say that if we stop all these useless ceremonies, rituals and religious tasks than we would be capable to pension off all the debt on our country!

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